Dancemore Blog
Dance Students – Kirsten & Abrie Gunningham
Originally, they started dance classes in preparation for their wedding, but ended up enjoying class so much that they’ve continued attending our group classes.
Dance Students – John & Louise Netherlands
Dancing was something they always wanted to do, and their wedding provided them with the impetus they needed to start lessons. Now it’s a date night once a week that multitasks as exercise as well.
Dance Students – Howard & Tracy Fox
Tracy, by her own admission, is an absolute fangirl of Strictly Come Dancing (British version). So, Howard, cleverly thought that dancing lessons would make a fine Christmas present.
Slow Waltz
The Waltz is usually the first dance that comes to mind when one thinks of ballroom dancing. This elegant and graceful dance has been danced competitively for almost 100 years and is still a firm favourite amongst our students.
Although the Jive is classed as a Latin American dance, it actually emerged out of the jazz and swing scene in America. It developed and changed as it spread between the East and West American Coasts.
Viennese Waltz
The Viennese Waltz has a unique form and pace that distinguishes it from the Slow Waltz (more commonly known simply as the waltz), but is arguably more elegant, when dancers achieve a level of competence.
The Mambo is one of the Latin American dances that we teach at Dancemore.
This dance’s origins trace back to the 1940s in Cuba and Mexico and began as a response to a music genre with the same name.
The Foxtrot
Named after Vaudeville actor and comedian, Harry Fox, this dance originated in New York in 1914.
Sometimes called the slow foxtrot because the original foxtrot split into two separate dances: the slow foxtrot and the quickstep.
The Argentine Tango
The Argentine Tango is synonymous with sensuality, passion and longing.
Born out of the explosive population growth in Bueno Aires in the late 1800s, as a result of immigration, this dance is a blend of cultures, nostalgia, desire and yearning.